Friday, December 21, 2012

One to Remember

Merry Christmas from the Ades Family

Mostly Nice, a little Naughty.

2012 has been a great year for us here in NC.
Aaron has even declared it at times, to be "our best year as a family yet".

And yes, now I really wish I kept a better blog of our happenings, it's just too hard to narrow the year down in one post but I'll try list some "highlights".

With the onset  2012 we had Ryan turning the magical age of 3 (and my favorite age so far) he is in part time preschool and loves it. He has a lot of little friends, he takes indoor soccer lessons and is in "little ninjas" karate class. Ryan loves to dress in costume,  eat pasta and read stories. Ryan will be 4 in January- he wants a Pirate birthday party at home, his wish we be granted of course!

 Pirate Adventure Boat Ride Murrells Inlet, SC

Belt Promotion


Roman turned 7 in May, he is in 2nd grade now and is turning into quite the athlete... he has been in karate "Young dragons" and has just advanced to purple belt. He also came in 1st place for his age group at a local 5k race. He has his sites on winning another 5k and via the inspiration of his Dad ( no doubt)  is talking about doing a youth triathlon next year. He also wants to join the neighborhood swim team this summer. He is excelling in school- deemed a "dream student" by his lovely teacher. We could not be happier with the year round school: 9 weeks on, 3 weeks off. The breaks always seem perfectly timed with the seasons, holidays and our energy levels.

With the summers being so hot here, it's nice to have extra time off in the Spring and Fall to be out and about- we ride bikes, and visit nature trails and parks in the area. There are also a lot of mini enrichment camps  art, sports, etc to keep us busy. 

Aaron turned 40 in April- with that came a big party and surprise visits from out of state friends. As a gift, he got a long awaited road bike and jumped feet first into the world of triathlons- starting with a local sprint event he then signed up for bigger pursuits of an  Olympic length event ( 1640.42 yards swim, 30 mile ride  &  6.21 miles run).  He kept me busy in the kitchen as he trained for that event entirely on a vegan nutrition plan.  Next year - early June he will compete in an Half Iron Man event ( 1.2-mile swim, 56-mile ride & 13.1 run ). This will take place in Raleigh- please consider visiting us during that time to cheer him on, free room and board to the first guests to buy tickets!

Not to be out done by my boys.... this mama on the move obtained a personal fitness trainer certification in the Spring and I landed a (very) part time job at my YMCA. I'm trying to decide on my next move- I might pursue some continuing education in nutrition and more certification in specialized fitness programming. In Oct, I ran my first Half Marathon = 13.1 miles, I was greeted at the finish line by my boys- they were so happy and proud for me, it was a lot of fun and hard work. I plan another one in the Spring. When I am not running & working out, and looking after my boys, I stay very busy volunteering regularly in Roman's class, and I am the membership director for the PTA.

We took a few trips & excursions this year. From Washington DC in the Spring, to the mountains of NC- Asheville & Hendersonville, in the summer where we visited the Biltmore Estate and Aaron's Aunt and Uncle. Our trips to the coast included, Wrightsville Beach, NC and Myrtle Beach SC. We went back to CA in October to visit my parents & friends and we toured SF by bike.  Alcatraz really captured the imagination of the boys- Aaron even started dreaming up a scheme to compete in the "Escape from Alcatraz" Triathlon.

What's up for the New Year? Besides probably more of the same? We are thinking about getting a puppy, something along the lines of a golden retriever or lab. Aaron and Roman joined a Yguides program just for dads and sons up to 3 rd grade- they will be taking a few camping trips and outdoor excursions with that. I shall resolve to post more abut our happenings! 

So stick around on our family blog!

Catch ya on the flip side- Happy New Year!

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