Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Kiddo on the Go

Get out the kleenex cause my 1st baby boy just turned 5.

He once looked like this:
Roman @ 1 day old.

Now he looks like this:

Roman @ 5 years old, he has been wanting to be 5 since he was 3

He has been called: button, kiddo, baby boy, Ren, and Renny, Rentastic, ( he was not able to say his name correctly at first he called himself " Ren" and it stuck ) I also call him from time to time, bubba scoob, Romonster, Ro-Ro, love.

A lot has happened to me as an individual, a mother, our family has grown, have had the usual and not so usual up and downs, risks have been taken, crisis averted, a smattering of hospital visits and some long, dark tearful nights. But the last 5 years of Romans life have been amazingly fun, gleeful, challenging in ways I could have never imagined...and yes he makes me crazy, he's turnign into a little boy, but he still puckers his lips to kiss me, wants to be "snuggled down" and read to and I think he still thinks I'm pretty neat sometimes, when I am not being " always mean and never nice "

I'd like to take a brief pause before the next 5 years fly by to highlight some Roman-isms I compiled in a journal of the last couple of years.

Starting with:

" You are my best heart "

" Mommy way strong "

" Brownie and poop Rhyme?!"

"That cloud looks like an alligator " ( His first cloud picture siting)

"This piece of ice looks like a dog bone."

"I think you ate the baby that is why it is in your belly".

A conversation that took place one morning when he needed me to fix something went like this: I said, " Mommies can fix almost anything, except broken hearts" he stepped back, looked at me and said very assertively "Hearts can't break mom!" I said, " no, I guess not when you are 3 years old" he replied, big eyed, all five fingers raised, "Not when I am 5 either mom!. "

" One day when I grow up to be a MR. Daddy, I can ride a motorcycle and have a squirt gun. "

" I had a weird sleep last night"

" I see the tooth fairy, I see a shooting star!"

after the first time getting an ice cream from the neighborhood icecream truck he proclaimed " I didn't know they( Icecream trucks) existed in this world "

" I have a wishing finger"

" Where do wishes go?"

when asked where or from who he learned something he might reply "My brain told me"

" Mommy, the baby is ALWAYS looking at me!" ( Ryan was about 4 months old, we were in the car)

" I didn't know the baby would love me" ( One day while gleefully playing together, it dawned on Roman that Ryan really liked him ;)

Started calling Ryan "silly rainbow"

Up until just recently he used to tell us he loved us and that we were his "best friend, all the time, anytime the mood struck him, even if that meant yelling it from on top a play structure. I sure miss that.

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