Monday, July 13, 2009

Well I have to begin somewhere

I thought I would first start my blog the first day of summer, then I thought I would start it after the 4th of July since it officially felt like the beginning of summer and now a week or so later I am just gonna do it. Do what? blog about my life, my family, the things we do and places we go too! A busy mom of 2 boys, one 4 years old, another 5 months old. I am "mama on the go" for a reason, we like and need to get out and do things. Mama on the Go is also a spin off of a little eBay store I had called On the Go Kiddo. This business is on break, or rather I am on break, or the bank account is on break. Either way, I am actually grateful for the reprieve of online selling because trips to the post office with 2 little guys can be an all day production, once the item is packaged, labeled and then finally taken to the local tiny post office where of course I have t make chit chat with my friendly postal ladies.

Anyways, this is my blog, my life, maybe a bit random, but maybe a bit fun too. We'll see